DigiRen has extensive experience helping customers unlock and accelerate their cloud programs.
There are three core areas of focus that either accelerate or inhibit cloud program velocity and success:
1. program alignment,
2. migration velocity enablers, and
3. change management.
Establishing Program Alignment: Executive alignment is essential to support cloud program velocity, scale, and value realisation. From our real-world experience working on some of Australia’s largest and most complex cloud programs, we know that alignment cannot just be a steering committee. Rather it requires the leveraging of key assets that drive action across the organisation and use defined metrics that create accountability.
Accelerating Program Velocity: The three key factors that inhibit or accelerate program velocity
1. application team support: it is critical application teams are included early, having an input into the cloud program direction, and included in the planning process to manage competing work priorities. Additionally, we find enablement sessions drive inclusion, support, and improved post program success.
2. group IT engagement: too often critical group IT functions, such as networking, security, and identity management, are addressed as an afterthought, resulting in major delays and migration roll backs. DigiRen support inclusion and collaboration with group IT functions to identify and fulfill their prerequisites up front, and agree their role and responsibilities in supporting the cloud program,
3. migration team structures: creating cross-functional migration team structures drives increased decision-making, migrations speed, and internal skills transfer.
Cloud Specific Change Management: The success of cloud ultimately rests on an organisations ability to change the way they work, shifting to cloud-centric ways of working that fully leverage cloud and modern technologies. This is what drives business value and benefit, but to be successful, internal cloud consumers must be able to work with the technology provided and the organisational mindset and culture need to support the Cloud program. Effecting a change in this area requires positive engagement with every staff member, answering the question 'what's in it for me'. The Cloud program and cloud operating model needs to not only deliver outstanding technology but to develop a great 'consumer experience'. This experience starts with the consumer clearly understanding how the technology will help them perform better in their role and assist their career progression aspirations.