Program Delivery & Change Management​
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Group of 8 Tertiary Institution​​​


Our customer commenced a program to migrate all on-premise workloads to cloud, adopt modern ways of working and enable self-service of cloud services for users across the organisation.

Our customer commenced the program and soon recognised they had several challenges:

·      The program was experiencing delays

·      A new operating model had been developed by a large consultancy partner. Despite it including significant documentation there was limited insight into how to transition the organisation.

·      The program was being treated as a technology program, not a transformational change program focused on people.


DigiRen were engaged to provide a Delivery Director to lead the program, a Change Management lead for the program, and a core team of managers and specialists with the skills to address these challenges. Our immediate priority was to address the program velocity.

·       We established a new program structure designed to provide absolute clarity around three key objectives

·       We implemented holistic Change Management practices across the program.

·       We revised the governance practices and ceremonies and introduced daily issue escalation based on Scaled Agile practices.

·       We created regular engagement forums with all relevant stakeholders to provide regular updates and seek support if required.

·       We revised process, systems and metrics to provide full transparency.

·       We created new measures to provide visibility of key challenges, such as the heavy reliance on resources outside of the program and beyond our control.

·       We refreshed the financial management and cost control practices.

Our early analysis identified several areas that could be immediately addressed and aligned with industry best practice. Two pilot programs were rapidly designed and implemented, with DigiRen providing Team Leads to build, manage, and scale these functions.

We also commenced three other major items of work:

·      DigiRen’s Practice Lead for Operating Models led a holistic design process for the Cloud Operating Model which consisted of 3 phases of                         development, with over 60 stakeholders consulted.

·      A senior DigiRen SME lead the Cloud Business Office who developed and implemented new Cloud Products and new ways of working.

·      DigiRen’s Capability Practice Lead owned the development of a holistic capability enhancement program to support the operating model implementation.


In total, DigiRen provided over 10 senior Program, Project and Change management leaders to support the customer in successfully delivering their Cloud Transformation program.

The changes DigiRen made to the migration program enabled the customer to regain momentum in the program, formally treating 99.6%of 3002 workloads by program completion in December 2023.

The operating model was piloted successfully within the program for 12 months, delivering a significant uplift in customer experience. The responsibility for the implementation of the transition plan and its adoption into BAU was taken on by the customer in early 2024. Our Training and Capability Team are supporting this effort and when complete, over 200 staff will have graduated from DigiRen’s bespoke Cloud Capability Build program.

A self-service portal now offers 12 standardised cloud products that can be provisioned rapidly with full or significant automation. A suite of customer-specific training modules was created and published in their LMS to guide self-service users to select an appropriate product and use it effectively.  In the case of the most common request, the time required to provide the service was reduced from 100 days to just 5 days.

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